πŸ“–how to inscribe a flowmap

Each flowmap inscription needs 0.025 flow to be inscribed which ensures its value.

Easy mode

  1. Click on the "inscribe flowmap" button.

  2. Choose the number of flowmaps to inscribe & submit.

  3. If you don't have a wallet you can choose Flow Reference Wallet as it provides the easiest way to buy flow tokens.

Hardcore mode

  1. Go to https://run.ecdao.org/ or open your terminal with flow-cli.

  2. Choose mainnet.

  3. Insert the transaction and input the quantity you want to inscribe. (Adjust quantity if the transaction does not go through)

  4. Run the transaction.

import FlowToken from 0x1654653399040a61
import NonFungibleToken from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import Flowmap from 0x483f0fe77f0d59fb

transaction(qty: UFix64) {
  prepare(signer: AuthAccount) {
      if(signer.borrow<&Flowmap.Collection>(from: Flowmap.CollectionStoragePath) == nil) {
          signer.save<@NonFungibleToken.Collection>(<- Flowmap.createEmptyCollection(), to: Flowmap.CollectionStoragePath)
          signer.link<&{Flowmap.CollectionPublic}>(Flowmap.CollectionPublicPath, target: Flowmap.CollectionStoragePath)

      let vaultRef = signer.borrow<&FlowToken.Vault>(from: /storage/flowTokenVault)?? panic("Could not borrow reference to the owner's Vault!")

      let inscriptionFee <- vaultRef.withdraw(amount: Flowmap.inscriptionFee * qty) as! @FlowToken.Vault

      Flowmap.batchInscribe(inscriptionFee: <-inscriptionFee, quantity: qty, receiver: signer.address)


Last updated